Performances and Interviews with George Stavis (NY), Cian Nugent (IRE), & Ben Reynolds (UK/Scot) On WMBR's Subject To Change Program
Was aired on the program:
Saturday, October 11, 2008
12:00pm - 2:00pm
Hosted by:
Originally aired:
Subject to Change will broadcast interviews as well as sets of live acoustic music from George Stavis (NY), Cian (pronounced "KEEN") Nugent (IRE), & Ben Reynolds (UK/Scot) during this and next week's programs. Stavis, Nugent (no obvious relation to Ted) & Reynolds were in town on the Imaginational Anthem 08 Tour, in celebration of Tompkins Square label's semi-annual survey of new and old acoustic talent. Stavis is famed for his highly collectible LP of 5-string banjo on Vanguard records from the 1960s, whereas Ben and Cianare relative newcomers. Ben has recorded for Providence's Last Visible Dog label and Portland, Ore's Strange Attractors Audio House. 19-year old Cian has recorded for a CD for Incunabulum.
Location: 88.1 FM
For more information about this event, contact:
Patrick Bryant
[email protected]