WMBR's Scene Radio Show Goes Live! / Bevis Frond & Barbara Manning Perform Live!
Was aired on the program:
Friday, April 4, 2014
7:00am - 10:00am
Hosted by:
Originally aired:
The Scene Radio Show, usually prerecorded in England, broadcasts live from the WMBR studios this morning. In honor of this prestigious event, hosts Nick Saloman & Paul Simmons are being granted an extra half-hour to play their psychedelic pselections.
The Breakfast of Champions program will follow at 8:30am with some special programming of its own. First, Barbara Manning performs live and is interviewed by host Jon Bernhardt. Then, at 9:00am, Scene DJs Nick & Paul transmogrify into their alter egos of the Bevis Frond, to also perform live.
It's a great finale to Jon Bernhardt's Midlife Crisis of Champions!
Location: 88.1 FM
For more information about this event, contact:
Jon Bernhardt
[email protected]
Visit: http://wmbr.org/boc