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WMBR Special Events Calendar This Month

MIT Freshmen from the class Terrascope Interviewed on WMBR's In The Margin Program

Was aired on the program: Wednesday, May 11, 2011
4:00pm - 5:30pm

Host Chuck U. will be joined by MIT Freshmen from the class Terrascope. Their mission was to design a plan that will produce and distribute enough food to feed the planet over the next century, while ensuring that efficiency and equity are maximized with minimal disruption to the environment. This year, a group of MIT students went to Sirsi, India on their spring break to see food production facilities, and in general gain an on the ground appreciation of the problems India faces in feeding its growing population. They produced Terrascope Radio, in which they create a radio program about the year's issue, using sound gathered on the Spring Break field trip. Three of the students will join Chuck at 4:30. Their piece will be aired after a short live interview.

Location: 88.1 FM

For more information about this event, contact:
Chuck U.
[email protected]

Visit: http://web.mit.edu/terrascope/www/

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