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WMBR Special Events Calendar This Month

Boris Garcia Performs Live on WMBR's Lost & Found Program

Was aired on the program: Tuesday, February 24, 2009
12:00pm - 2:00pm

The band Boris Garcia is scheduled to join host Eli Polonsky for a live interview and to perform some acoustic tunes on the air beginning at about 1:00 PM! Boris Garcia is a contemporary band from the Philadelphia area which combines the genres country-rock, bluegrass, acoustic jazz, blues and folk among others, and though they are not a Grateful Dead cover band (their music is all original), they have become a part of their "extended family" of artists. Their sound is reminiscent of roots country-rock bands of the late '60s and early '70s such as the New Riders Of The Purple Sage, Old And In The Way, The Flying Burrito Brothers, Poco, and the latter years of The Byrds, and they cite these bands among their many influences. Boris Garcia has shared festival stages with the New Riders, Little Feat, Hot Tuna and David Bromberg among many others, and has performed on the nationally syndicated Grateful Dead Hour. So, why the name "Boris Garcia" when they don't cover Jerry Garcia's music? Their website says: "A little tribute to Jerry Garcia, a little to (Boris Badenov of Rocky and) Bullwinkle". Okay, we'll get to the bottom of it on the show!

Location: 88.1 FM

For more information about this event, contact:
Eli Polonsky
[email protected]

Visit: http://lostwmbr.blogspot.com

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