(FUNKY) Little Green Apples
Was aired on the program: Subject to Change
Sunday, September 20, 2020
12:00pm - 2:00pm
Hosted by:
Originally aired:
Bobby Russell's 1968 MOR tune was intended for waning country doofus Roger Miller (who, according to the Lamestream Media, is not a member of Mission of Burma). Miller's passable version was his final top 40 hit on the pop charts and top 10 on the country charts. OC Smith's version was spared from being just another deep cut by a Detroit DJ and advanced to #2. The song captures the efforts of 1960s mainstream writers to offer songs lyrically vague enough to seem contemporary and/or poetic. For this episode, Subject to Change focuses on the funkier renditions for two hours, including a number of versions that have been justifiably omitted from music streaming sites.
For more information about this event, contact:
Patrick Bryant
[email protected]
Visit: http://twitter.com/subject2chang