Sarah Jarosz Performs Live on WMBR's Lost Highway Program
Was aired on the program:
Saturday, February 6, 2010
8:00am - 10:00am
Hosted by:
Originally aired:
As spring 2009 rolled into summer last year, Sarah Jarosz turned 18, graduated high school and released her debut disc on Sugar Hill - Song Up In Her Head. She could have gone straight from school into the bluegrass side of the music biz, but instead chose to apply to the New England Conservatory here in Boston where she's now in her first year of study. A week after attending the Grammy Awards (she's up for best Country Instrumental Performance with her song, Mansinneedof, from her debut disc), she'll stop by the Highway to tell us about the experience, how she's finding her new home here in Boston and hopefully play us a few tunes.
Location: 88.1 FM
For more information about this event, contact:
Doug Gesler
[email protected]