"YAKETY YAK v. YAKETY SAX" on WMBR's Subject to Change Program
Was aired on the program:
Sunday, November 3, 2019
12:00pm - 2:00pm
Hosted by:
Originally aired:
The Apocalypse is Nigh! Or so you will think as PatNauseum tackles perhaps the most ridiculed and ridiculous instrumental in pop history, Boots Randolph's "Yakety Sax" (aka the Benny Hill song). We'll explore the history of this dubious smash, including an extended detour into the Coasters' "Yakety Yak" (by Lieber-Stoller) whose saxophone solo is the inspiration/culprit for Boots. Get ready for two hours of hi-speed antics, which will include Jamaican versions so good you just might forgive the host for this show.
Location: 88.1 FM
For more information about this event, contact:
Patrick Bryant
[email protected]
Visit: https://twitter.com/subject2chang