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WMBR Special Events Calendar This Month

"CALIFORNIA SUN-DAY" on WMBR's Subject to Change Program

Was aired on the program: Sunday, September 29, 2019
12:00pm - 2:00pm

"California Sun," candidate for 60s Ur-surf anthem, earned a second wind as a 120-second punk blast by the Ramones and and Ramones devotees (technically, the Dictators made a punk cover before them). While epitomizing middle-class summertime frivolity, the song's lineage is R&B/jump blues. Songwriter Henry Glover, and Arkansas native, specialized in honking tunes for King records and is responsible for such classics as "Drown in My Own Tears" and "Peppermint Twist." Glover's 1960 tune, "California Sun," as performed by Joe Jones, reflected his brass-heavy blues background. But it was the organ-driven cover by The Riverias three years later that made this song a staple of frat parties everywhere. We'll feature two hours of cover versions and Glover songs.

Location: 88.1 FM

For more information about this event, contact:
Patrick Bryant
[email protected]

Visit: https://twitter.com/subject2chang

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