Two Hour Special and Interview with Rick Nielsen of Cheap Trick on WMBR's Lost & Found Program
Was aired on the program:
Tuesday, February 19, 2019
12:00pm - 2:00pm
Hosted by:
Originally aired:
Is there anyone out there on stage who's looked goofier (Bowery Boys edition), performed more antics, and wielded so many outlandish guitars (of which he owns around 500) than Rick Nielsen of the hit-laden Cheap Trick (extant 1973-present)? I, for one, could watch this talented cartoon of a man forever. Power pop with a punk edge, Cheap Trick were huge in Japan first, and it took their live performances there as documented on "In Budokan" (1979) to break them in the US after three albums that, although wonderful, failed to catch fire. "Surrender," "Dream Police, "I Want You to Want Me"...thus begins the list of their classic, indelible melodies. And they still tour more intensively than most. Rick relates the story despite suffering from an obvious throat cold. A good sport.
Cheap Trick is appearing at Lynn Auditorium in Lynn, MA on Saturday, February 23rd.
Location: 88.1 FM
For more information about this event, contact:
Bob Dubrow
[email protected]