Boston Derby Dames Interviewed Live on WMBR's Nite Owl Program
Was aired on the program:
Saturday, April 5, 2008
9:00pm - 10:00pm
Hosted by:
Originally aired:
Women's Flat Track Derby is an emerging national and international sports phenomena that promotes and fosters the development of athletic ability, sportswomanship, and goodwill. On this night three team members from the Boston Derby Dames' league leading "Wicked Pissahs" drop in to WMBR's Nite Owl to join DJ Teep. The guests, Harley Quinn, Etta Maims and Maude Forbid, will chat about past and future league bouts as well as mentioning upcoming events -- from their efforts to champion socially responsible causes, like supporting the BARCC's 3rd annual Walk for Change, to their delivery of deliciously delinquent music and dance events like the upcoming Dirty Derby Prom!
Location: 88.1 FM
For more information about this event, contact:
Aran Parillo
[email protected]