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WMBR Special Events Calendar This Month

Two Hour Special and Interview with Wayne Kramer of the MC5 on WMBR's Lost & Found Program

Was aired on the program: Tuesday, September 11, 2018
12:00pm - 2:00pm

Detroit's MC5 were a ground breaking thrashy punk garage band formed by Wayne Kramer that released a rabid debut in 1968, recorded live at the Grande Ballroom, called "Kick Out the Jams." Two albums followed in '70 and '71 to complete their oeuvre, while the members (particularly Kramer) immersed themselves in the political maelstrom happening in Detroit and Ann Arbor in those turbulent times. Kramer was the "Minister of Culture" of the White Panther Party, whose leader, John Sinclair, also managed the MC5. The two experienced plenty of jail time, John for possession of two joints and Wayne for dealing cocaine. We'll deal mainly with the music and politics (leaving Wayne's drug addiction, criminal activities, and correctional experience behind, described in detail in his brand new memoir "The Hard Stuff.") The MC5 are touring with Soundgarden's Kim Thayil and Fugazi's Brendan Canty as part of the band. Hosted by Bob Dubrow. The MC5 appear at the Paradise on Thursday, September 11th.

Location: 88.1 FM

For more information about this event, contact:
Bob Dubrow
[email protected]

Visit: http://www.facebook.com/WMBRLostAndFound

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