C.W. Stoneking Performs Live on WMBR's Lost Highway Program
Was aired on the program:
Saturday, May 28, 2016
8:00am - 10:00am
Hosted by:
Originally aired:
C.W. Stoneking grew up in the remote area of the Northern Territories in Australia, listening to his father's record collection and falling hard for early blues music. It's that primitive form of blues that he plays now, too. His fabulous 2014 album, Gon' Boogaloo, has just been released here in the States as well. On Sunday May 29th, he and his band will be at Great Scott with Brownbird Rudy Relic (10pm). Lucky for us, they're in town a couple days early and are planning on stopping by the WMBR studios to join me for the final half hour of today's show to play us some live music. That's from 9:30-10am.
Location: 88.1 FM
For more information about this event, contact:
Doug Gesler
[email protected]
Visit: http://wmbr.org/?p=sched-sat#lynch