Joe Carducci Interviewed Live on WMBR's Breakfast of Champions Program
Was aired on the program:
Thursday, November 13, 2008
8:00am - 10:00am
Hosted by:
Originally aired:
Former SST Records co-owner (1981-86) and author Joe Carducci will stop by the Breakfast of Champions at 9:30am to discuss his new book "Enter Naomi: SST, L.A. and All That." Using the life and early death of SST's photographer Naomi Petersen as a framing device, Carducci recounts the genesis, growth and eventual demise of SST Records and California punk. He divulges memories of the original home of The Meat Puppets, Minutemen, Descendents and Sonic Youth and provides insight into the lifestyle which allowed fans and friends such as Naomi the ability to become involved with the label and scene they loved.
Location: 88.1 FM
For more information about this event, contact:
Keith Sawyer
[email protected]